
The Carmelite Way

The Carmelite Order is called in the Church to live, witness and promote the mystery and beauty of Contemplative - prayer of Jesus through the communitarian life and apostolic initiatives. 

The main apostolic activity they involve in is responding to the spiritual needs of the clergy, religious and laity by retreats, counselling, preaching, institutes of spirituality, media apostolate as well as missionary and parish social apostolate whenever the local church requires.

Moved by the teachings and life witness of Saints Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, both eminent doctors of Spiritual life in the Church, the Order moves forward in service of the humanity. The first priority of the Carmelites is Prayer and Contemplation. 

The first priority of the Carmelites is Prayer and Contemplation. They are also engaged in ministry and other missionary activities. In other words, it is an affirmation that as a flower blooms with light of the Sun, the human life blooms fully, only when it is totally open to God. Human person is capable of greatest growth and able to live a high quality of life and love only when he is open profoundly to God, as was Jesus.

Thus, the Carmelites affirm that the holiness is not what we achieve by our efforts alone, but what happens to us when we meet God in the intimacy of the heart and do His Holy Will. Prayer is not merely what we say to God and ask of Him, but an intimate and perennial friendship with Him, being present to Him, whom we know loves us. It is an affirmation that it is possible to meet God for you, for me and for everyone right now.